Upcoming Plans

Our plans for 2024.

Here we outline our plans, mainly to make catching up with friends around the globe easier to plan, by letting you know when we’ll most likely be where. Some of the plans are fixed because of events, others remain flexible to a point. This section will get updated as plans take shape or change.

January – Mostly Gent, Belgium.

The month of New Year’s reception and more catching up and spending time with friends. Stephen leaves on the 23rd (because Molly needs some time in the shop mainly to update the brakes), Caroline the 28th.

Tickets to ‘The Nutcracker’ on Jan 6th and ‘The Sisters of Mercy’ on Jan 25, both in Gent. ‘Sisters’ got cancelled after we’d waited for over an hour, due to ‘illness’ of the singer…. yeah right.

February – March: Havelock North, NZ.
End March – April – May: USA – Canada.

We picked up Molly in Edmonds, WA. Caught up with friends in WA and OR.

We went to Comfort, TX, for the total solar eclipse on April 8. Stops en route: Red Canyon, UT (March 28), Capitol Reef NP, UT (March 29&30), Albuquerque, NM (1 and/or 2 April), planning to arrive in Comfort, TX on April 6 or 7.

Apr 8: Total solar eclipse – Comfort,TX, USA. Even tough we only got partial views we had a great eclipse party on a friend of a friend’s ranch. Big shout-out to Patty for letting us all park our rigs for a few days.

We then headed to Big Bend Nat’l Park, and eventually to Santa Fe, NM. Los Alamos, NM, Ridgway, CO. We are confirmed to go to Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, AZ (May 17-20)… anyone else going there?

We are flying out of Sioux Falls, SD, to Belgium on May 28

June – July – August: Gent, Belgium.

Stephen has successfully completed ‘Dutch Level 1’ in Gent in June. He will hike in Norway from July 1st till July 13/14, and again from Aug 24 till Aug 11. Caroline walked the ‘Rob Roy Way’ in Scotland from July 8 till July 18.

We have tickets for Gent Jazz on July 6th, 14th and 18th.

September – October – early November: exploring the US in Molly.

Mid August – September: We plan to head to Tuktoyaktuk on the Dempster Highway, Northwest Territories, Canada. Naturally we will check the condition of the road and plan or adjust accordingly.

October – November – December:

Planning to head to NZ mid October so it’s looking like Christmas and NY’s in Havelock North.