Cape Horn

The weather gods were smiling on us and we were able to do zodiac landings at Cape Horn.
DSC 0719  Rounding Cape Horn. DSC 0732  From the bridge. The expedition team were assessing the possibility of a zodiac landing. DSC 0734  The weather at Cape Horn is notoriously bad and chances for landings are no higher than 50/50. DSC 0739  Turned out it was our lucky day! DSC 0740  The landing site looked good and calm enough - don't be fooled, the swell was still pretty substantial. DSC 2631  Approaching the landing site in our zodiac.
DSC 0749 DSC 0752 DSC 0760  Made it to Cape Horn! The absolute cherry on an already very well iced cake!! Stephen, Alison and Caroline. DSC 0769  The walkway up to the Sculpture is not so much to protect the underground, but to avoid stepping on landmines. DSC 0781 DSC 0787  The Albatross Sculpture, made of old ship plates.
DSC 0794 DSC 0798  "I am the albatross that waits for you at the end of the earth. I am the forgotten soul of the dead sailors who crossed Cape Horn from all the seas of the world. But they did not die in the furious waves. Today they fly in my wings to eternity in the last trough of the Antarctic wind" - Sara vial. DSC 0807 DSC 0812  The lighthouse and museum and living quarters for the keeper and his family. DSC 0816 DSC 0824
DSC 0858  Goodbye to Cape Horn.