Chilean Fjords

I was fortunate to be able to stay on The World to cruise the Chilean Fjords.
DSC 0003  The German naval training ship Gorch Fock was anchored in Ushuaia. At the time there was an ongoing investigation into a death on board and possible mutiny. DSC 0006  Sailing out of Ushuaia under a rainbow into the Beagle Channel. DSC 0022  The Gabriel Channel. DSC 0026  The Gabriel Channel. DSC 0047  The Skua Glacier. DSC 0076  Parked at the Skua Glacier.
DSC 0082  The Pitt Channel. DSC 0092  The Eyre Channel. DSC 0097  Pío XI Glacier (aka Brüggen Glacier). DSC 0100  Pío XI: is the largest western outflow from the Southern Patagonian Ice field. Now about 64km (40miles) in length, it is the longest glacier in the southern hemisphere outside of Antarctica. Unlike  most glaciers it is still advancing significantly. DSC 0106  We had a little visitor. Fur seal. DSC 0110  Eyre Channel.
P1030648  Alison and I were lucky to get the 'Champagne Zodiac'. One of the residents had brought champagne to celebrate Robert Burns Day. Zodiaccruise at the Europa Glacier. DSC 0114  In the vicinity of the Europa Glacier. DSC 0128  The Europa Glacier. DSC 0136  Europa Glacier. P1030657  The world anchored at the Europa Glacier. DSC 0137  Europa Glacier. The pack ice is constantly moving and it takes some skill to navigate the zodiacs in it.
DSC 0154  Day trip from Chacabuco. We went for a wee hike around Laguna Verde. DSC 0169  Casa Bruja or 'Witch's house', old house close to Laguna Verde. DSC 0178  The township of Coihaique. P1030661  Waiting at the tender dock. That's not The World in the background. DSC 0194  The bay at Puerto Chacabuco. DSC 0227  Visit from Orca's. Since they didn't stay put our captain did a perfect circle around them!
DSC 0231 DSC 0239  En route to Puerto Montt. DSC 0255  En route to Puerto Montt. DSC 0262  En route to Puerto Montt. DSC 0279  Still en route, but with some scenic detours.