Fortuna Bay

In the morning we visited the King Penguin Colony and we saw lots of very sociable chicks and molting adolescents.
DSC 2105  King Penguins. DSC 2107  Kings and The World. DSC 2113 DSC 2119  On the 1,5km walk to the main colony... DSC 2124  ... we met very curious chicks. DSC 2126
DSC 2135  Soon I'll be as beautiful as you! DSC 2136  A herd of reindeer was grazing amogst the Kings. DSC 2145 DSC 2156 DSC 2161  Very sociable chicks! DSC 2169
DSC 2176 DSC 2179  Walking with a King. DSC 7338  Fortuna Bay Beach. DSC 7363  Fur seal mummy and pup. DSC 7364  I'm cute, I'm cute! DSC 7377
DSC 7389  Reindeer were introduced by the whalers to hunt for meat... DSC 7392  ... but now that they are no longer hunted there are too many of them. DSC 7399  Look at me, look at me! DSC 7440 DSC 7455 : Caroline DSC 7462 : Stephen Coney
DSC 7472 DSC 7484  It must be love. DSC 7492 DSC 7497 DSC 7506