Gold Harbour

We spent the afternoon in Gold Harbour. New here were Gentoo Penguins and Elephant Seals.
DSC 1936  On arrival on the beach we were greeted by elephant seals. DSC 1939 DSC 1949  Gentoo Penguin. P1030445  Caroline, Stephen and Alison. : Alison DSC 1964  King penguin adolescent. DSC 1967
DSC 1986  Gentoo penguin. DSC 1990 DSC 2003  The beach. DSC 2015  King and egg. DSC 2022  Elephant seals showing off. DSC 2023  Gentoo stroll amongst Kings.
DSC 2039 DSC 2043  Gentoos on the move. DSC 6888  Elephant seal smile. DSC 6891 DSC 6893 DSC 6902  Fur seal pup.
DSC 6909 DSC 6927 DSC 6932 DSC 6938 DSC 6949  Nimble Gentoos and slower Kings. DSC 6959
DSC 6976 : Caroline DSC 6983 DSC 6995  How's my egg doing? DSC 6997