
Potala Palace

Just spent the morning visiting the Potala Palace.  Basically the Palace was built in the 7th Century and extended in the 17th Century by the 5th Dalai Lama.  The place is huge with rooms upon rooms of Buddha’s and other…

Arrived in Lhasa (with all my bags)

You heard it right. In Lhasa with all my bags.  This is a very good thing. Lhasa is the official start of the trip, so now we are in the capable hands of our Guides. Tonight we are all taking…

Greetings from Beijing

Well, me and my bags made it safely to Beijing. Spent the day doing the tourist thing, first up was a stiff hike along the Great Wall of China then shopping in a Jade Museum and lunching in a shop. In the…

Travelling Again

As most of you know, we are travelling again soon.Stephen is leaving on August 25th and will travel through China and Tibet en route to climb Cho Oyu.Caroline is leaving two weeks later and will travel through China, Tibet and…

BCNC National Day Picnic 2007

The BCNC had its yearly National Day Picnic at Paradise Beach County Park in Tiburon on July 29th. This is becoming the ‘spot par excellence’ for this event! We had a lovely afternoon at a well organized event. photos.

Fil’s Goodbye.

Our friend Fil left the Bay Area to be with his love, Nathalie, in Montreal, Quebec. He invited Gina & Sven and Stephen & myself for a goodbye dinner. Although we are very happy for Fil and Nathalie that they…

Geert in the USA

My friend Geert, from Gent – Belgium, came to visit for 3 weeks. I took him on 2 roadtrips and in between he spent time in San Francisco. Our first roadtrip took us from Pasadena (LA), via bits of Route…

Winterwandeling in de polders

On Feb 4 I went for a lovely walk in the neighborhood of Watervliet in Belgium. Here are some photos of the walk. Voor ‘t geval sommigen zich afvragen waarom jullie deze keer niet van mij hoorden: ik was in…