Thursday, December 5, 2013
After breakfast with Marijke en Coen, we decided to go and check the access roads to Taman Negeri National Park again. But instead of getting better, the water had risen even more. Little dinghies were still ferrying people and supplies across the road/turned river. So unfortunately a visit to the NP doesn’t seem to be on the books for us this time around.
We then decided to stop by the National Elephant Conservation Centre, Kuala Gandah, Pahang. The centre relocates ‘problem’ elephants, driven out of their habitats by ever more encroaching plantations. They also look after orphaned animals. More info on the above link. Just our luck that we just missed the bathing and interpretative sessions. We did see the baby elephants.
Afterwards we drove to Bentong for the night. Depending on the weather forecast for the next few days we’ll may go back to KL for a few days, before heading north, where the weather should be better (ie. rain normal for this time of year).
Friday, December 6, 2013
Weather looks good in KL, so heading back there. But first breakfast. Ordered tea with milk and no sugar, got coffee with milk and sugar – oh well. The Roti and Curry was excellent.