Caroline Diericx

Caroline Diericx

Home-owners again!

It’s official! As of today Stephen and I are home-owners again! We signed the title deed last Friday and today it recorded at City Hall! Yihaa!!! Things went pretty fast in the last few weeks. We had been thinking about…

The Flying Kiwis

Last week we had an opportunity to catch up with some of Stephen’s family. Tim and Jane (Stephen’s uncle and aunt) were in town for 3 days; Kate (their daughter) was here for the week. They stayed with a lovely…

Cherry Trees

This is our 5th Spring in San Francisco and we finally made it to the cherry trees in bloom in Golden Gate Park. Had we waited another couple of weeks we would have missed their splendor again! While there we…

Back in San Francisco.

It’s been a week now since we moved into a new apartement in San Francisco’s South Beach area, next to the Giants Baseball Stadium. We are in the same building as before, with the same fantastic view and signed a…