
Off to London

Well, it’s here my ‘7 countries in 5,5 weeks trip’! Should be good!Flight seems to be on time so will be ringing for a taxi in a short while. Looking forward to catching up with friends in London! caroline.

All set for our upcoming trip.

Now that we’ve got our Russian visas we are all set for our upcoming European (and then some) trip. All but for a few issues with adding me to Stephen’s room in our hotel in St Petersburg, Russia. Nothing that…


2008 India

I had the good fortune of visiting India for 2 weeks this April; my travel companions were Alison and Ray and we had a blast together! We started off in Delhi where I arrived a day before the others, on…

Annapurna Sanctuary Trek in Nepal

Annapurna Circuit Trek

On the morning of Sep 23rd I flew from Kathmandu to Pokhara, where I checked into the Chhetri Sisters Guesthouse. I received a very warm and relaxed welcome there. This is the guesthouse of the same company I had booked…

Tibet/China: The Albums

Peking/Beijing Revisited Photos Since I had been in Beijing in 2005 and at that time also visited the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, I did not take many photos this time. For more see the album of 2005. Train…

Both back home!

Stephen arrived back home yesterday; I’m home since this morning. I was in the middle of putting an update here a few days ago, when the power went. Haven’t had access to email since, until getting back home. Will update…

Arrived in Pokhara.

We enjoyed our last group dinner last night in Kathmandu and most of us were sad that the adventure was over. I was sad on the one hand that the first part of my trip was over (and a good…

Made it to Kathmandu!

We arrived here a few hours ago and after doing some much needed hand-washing I went looking for an internet place straight away! The trip since Shigatse: So, after a morning visit to the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse (home of…

Hello from Shigatse!

The Potala Palace – what can I say! So far that was the emotional highlight for me: standing outside the little room where the 14th (current) Dalai Lama studied as a boy, brought a tear to my eye. On Mon…

Day 3 in Lhasa.

I’m enjoying every moment of my time in Lhasa! Yesterday we had a free day and 11 of us chartered a minivan to go and visit the Ganden Monastery 1.5 to 2 hours outside of Lhasa (depends on whether one’s…