Category The Big One

Amiens, Paris and Versailles

Monday, September 29, 2014 After lunch we said goodbye to Marijke and Coen and drove from Wageningen to Tourcoing; the latter picked solely as stopover en route to Versailles to avoid a long day’s driving. There is not much to…

Marijke, Coen and Kuipwagen in Wageningen

Sunday, September 28, 2014 We had a pleasant drive north to Wageningen in The Netherlands stopping only once for coffee. Our trusty GPS did not really know where Coen and Marijke lived, but it was not before long we deciphered…

Eeklo Mostly

Monday, September 22, 2014 We slept in a little to help get over our jet-lag. Stephen was sent out to get some Starbucks from the nearby train station. Lunchtime was fast approaching and we arranged to have frites and frikadelleworst…

Steven, Sophia and Brussels

Sunday, September 21, 2014 We landed back in Belgium after a short stop-over in Munich. Fortunately both ourselves and our bags made the tight connection. We headed into Brussels to take a few drinks with Steven and Sophia. So nice…


Wednesday, September 17, 2014 We sailed into Tokyo harbor around lunchtime to the sounds of a brass band playing on the dock. It was not long before the ship was docked and cleared and our friend Dale made her way…

At Sea – Otaru to Tokyo

Monday and Tuesday, September 15-16, 2014 A chance to catchup on email, the blog and relax as we sail from Otaru to Tokyo. The seas were calm which was very nice and made the sea journey much more enjoyable.

Birthday in Otaru

Saturday, September 13, 2014 Today we celebrated Stephen’s birthday. The day started with a birthday breakfast with some good friends. The breakfast provided a chance to open some birthday presents. The ship arrived back in Otaru just after lunch. Once…

Japan and Friends

Saturday, August 23, 2014 After just under 24 hours traveling by car, train, plane, bus and taxi, we arrived in Hakodate, Japan, where we boarded the good ship The World for 4 weeks of pampering :). It was good to…


Thursday, August 21, 2014 We said goodbye to Eeklo for now and took a train to Brussel. We’d never visited Brussel together before so we decided that after seeing lots of new and exotic places a visit to Belgium’s capital…

Arrived in Eeklo

Saturday, August 16, 2014 And then it had arrived, kind of faster than we’d expected, and bitter-sweet: the last driving day of our ‘Overland Adventure’. Sure, we’d still planned to go places before going home to San Francisco, but, as…

Ilse and Nils in Hamburg

Monday to Wednesday, August 11-13, 2014 The main reason for stopping in Hamburg was to catching up with Ilse and Nils, and, to give Stephen an extra ‘tick’ in the ‘200 Best Cities Book – Lonely Planet’. We had the…


Saturday, August 9, 2014 It was a 600km drive from Krakow to Berlin and we were back on the good old E40, which was in ‘slightly’ better nick than in some of the other countries we’d been on it, so…


Thursday, August 7, 2014 Move day with a drive from Warsaw, south to Krakow. The road was good, fast and most importantly had by-passes around most of the small villages. We got a little rain along the way. Also along…