

China: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into China. China in General There apparently is no such thing as independent vehicle travel through China for western tourists like us. This…

Sainshand (Сайншанд)

Thursday, May 15, 2014 After crossing the border we found the local supermarket and stocked up on a few supplies like cheese (still of the plastic variety), salami and bread. Also managed to find some Mars bars. Lunch consisted of…

Car Preparations and Enhancements

Sterlin is our 2002 Land Rover Discovery II and our first expedition vehicle. The dream started in 1992 in a desert town in Morocco where 2 fully expedition worthy Discoverys were our neighbors for a night in the campground. These…

Húnyuán (浑源)

Saturday, May 10, 2014 We woke up to find that it had been raining overnight. A little surprising, as we haven’t seen rain in a good while. Another long day of driving planned so everyone was ready to head north…

Píngyáo (平遥)

Thursday, May 8, 2014 Another longish day of driving most of which were on the express-way to save some time and ease the pain a little. The afternoon activity was a guided visit to Zhangbi Underground Castle. The locals built…

Hánchéng (韩城)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 After a wonderful three day break in Xi’an it was time to continue the journey north. We got up and away early to try and beat the morning traffic, we were partly successful. The first stop…

Xī’ān (西安)

Saturday, May 3, 2014 Another long drive on fast and free roads. First we had to back-track to Baoji along the same road as the previous day and then continued along the expressway to Xī’ān. In fact we actually stayed…

Màijīshān (麦积山石窟)

Friday, May 2, 2014 It was a long night. Stephen managed to get another tummy bug, and most of the night was spent awake and very near the toilet. These tummy bugs are getting a little annoying and we are…

Hànzhōng (汉中)

Thursday, May 1, 2014 Today was a big driving day for us and also the start of a three day holiday in China. We expected the roads to busy and they were. Fortunately much of the driving was on the…

Xiǎojīn (小金)

Monday, April 28, 2014 It was a cold night as our hotel room did not have any central heating and the outside temperature must have been around 5ºC (40F), or maybe even lower. Fortunately our beds had electric blankets, which…

Tǎgōng (塔公)

Sunday, April 27, 2014 Just a short update as we are a little short on wifi. Drive from Lǐtáng was wonderful, although the road was under construction and the tunnel through the mountain was not complete. This forced us to…

Lǐtáng (理塘)

Saturday, April 26, 2014 The mountain drive today was even more magnificent than the previous day. We really gained some elevation, peaking out at 4,708 mts (15,446 ft), which is higher than any point in the lower 48 states of…

Xiāngchéng (乡城 )

Friday, April 25, 2014 Everyone hit with the tummy bug were strong enough to get back in the cars and head North. We had a long-ish drive planned for the day and wanted to get going. Lun advised us to…

Tiger Leaping Gorge (虎跳峡)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 An easy drive through the mountains. Started off back-tracking down the beautiful toll road before heading up a new valley to Tiger Leaping Gorge on the Yangtze River. It is also essential part of the UNESCO…