Category Logisitics

Uzbekistan: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan in General Getting our car into Uzbekistan was easy. Getting the visa for ourselves was not difficult, but did require…

Kygryzstan: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Kyrgyzstan. Kygryzstan in General Getting our car into Kygryzstan was straight forward and only required us to declare the car to customs…

Kazakhstan: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan in General To quote our Lonely Planet guide book; “Visas and permits can be the single biggest headache associated with…

Russia: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Russia. Russia in General The Russia government website has a pretty good description of the process to temporarily import a vehicle into…

Mongolia: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Mongolia. Mongolia in General Basically there was no documentation needed for us to enter Mongolia. Firstly, as US citizens, we did not…

China: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into China. China in General There apparently is no such thing as independent vehicle travel through China for western tourists like us. This…

Laos: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Laos. Laos In General There is basically nothing on the Laos customs website on the process to temporarily import a vehicle. But…

Cambodia: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Cambodia. Cambodia in General There is not a lot on the Cambodian customs website on the process to temporarily import a vehicle…

Thailand: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Thailand. Thailand in General Thailand does not accept the Carnet de Passage for temporary import of vehicles. The official Thailand Customs website…

Malaysia: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car and ourselves into Malaysia. Malaysia in General Our car arrived by container ship into Port Klang near KL. The import process was extremely easy and…

Australia: Border Crossing and Documentation

This post is about the government documentation we needed and obtained to bring our car into Australia. Australia in General Our car arrived by container ship into Port Botany, Sydney from Los Angeles. We were not involved in any of…