After market rear access ladders are typically available for sale for around $80 from British Atlantic. The ladder we purchased looked extremely like the Land Rover supplied version, it certainly mounted the same way.
The installation was a little tricky and required 4 holes to be drilled in the rear cargo door and nutserts placed in the holes. My good friend Adrian helped with the drilling. After drilling the holes, it became clear that we would need a special nutsert rivet tool to complete the installation, a fact omitted on the site selling the ladder. A check of the local auto parts and hardware stores revealed that nutsert rivet tools are not that common. Anyway, it seemed a little silly buying a nutsert rivet tool for just this one job.
There was a thought of using a bolt and a couple of nuts to act like a nutsert tool, but this seemed a little risky as the nutserts may not sit correctly once collapsed. So I chickened out and had the local garage complete the installation.
But now that the rear ladder is installed, it has been wonderfully sturdy and strong and looks right at home on Sterlin. And of course, accessing the roof rack and the roof top tent is much easier with the ladder. This was a good upgrade for Sterlin.