Weekend, March 30 and 31, 2019
Caroline is still in Europe, so ready for some solo hiking in one of our favorite parks. And, I discovered a new trail that I did not even know that existed, and I like it.
Saturday was spent doing a campsite to campsite loop via Bear Gulch, the reservoir, high peaks, Chaparral Trailhead parking lot and Balcony Cliffs. Always a favorite. But during this hike I noticed the Northern Wilderness Trail, which was new to me. So, Sunday, up really early to avoid as much as possible of the midday sun and heat, and set off. Another good hike and rewarded with a beautiful trail that follows the creek, still running from the winter rains, before heading over the hill to the valley where Chaparral Trailhead is.
On Saturday night I set a camp fire and cooked my steak over it. And some Baked Beans for favor. I think this menu will be added to my short list of acceptable solo cooking efforts. Also visited the Bacon Homestead and attended the quite informative Ranger program.
Tested the satellite phone again, still working.