

Another Forced Weather Day at ABC

We woke up to snowing conditions. While the snowing conditions would not stop us moving up to Camp 1, the forecast for tomorrow is for much more snow. So we decided that we did not want to spend the day…

Still at ABC

The weather is not cooperating with us as much as we would like. A tropical depression in the Bay of Bengal is having the effect of forecasted high winds in our region on the 25th and 26th. So we have…

Getting Ready for the Summit Push

Well, the weather up high is looking good. The detailed weather forecasts are now starting to trickle in. Also today, a Sherpa team went above Camp 3 to fix the last of the fixed lines. So everything is looking good…

Camp 2

Just returned from our acclimatization climb to Camp 2. We hiked to Camp 1 on Monday and spent both Monday and Tuesday night at Camp 1. Then we hiked from Camp 1 to Camp 2 which is a considerably more…

Hello from Shigatse!

The Potala Palace – what can I say! So far that was the emotional highlight for me: standing outside the little room where the 14th (current) Dalai Lama studied as a boy, brought a tear to my eye. On Mon…

Day 3 in Lhasa.

I’m enjoying every moment of my time in Lhasa! Yesterday we had a free day and 11 of us chartered a minivan to go and visit the Ganden Monastery 1.5 to 2 hours outside of Lhasa (depends on whether one’s…

Rest Day at ABC

Perfect day here at ABC. We just had breakfast and conference. The decision was made to take an unscheduled rest day here at ABC. While everyone is feeling good and strong, a rest day will really solidify our team.

To Camp 2

Another perfect weather day here at ABC. Most likely we will move up to Camp 1 today and spend Monday getting ready for the move to Camp 2 and resting a little. Will we take all our mountaineering hardware and…

First Night at Camp 1

Just returned from Camp 1 where the team spent the night. We had to carry all our cold weather down and all our sleeping equipment, the total weight was probably around 12kgs or 26lbs, up to Camp 1. Let’s just…

Carry to Camp 1

A very big day yesterday. We carried from Advance Base Camp at 5,650mts (18,500ft) to Camp 1 which is at 6,320mts (or 20,00ft). This took us 6 hours up and 3 hours down. We were all pretty tired at the…

Greetings from Beijing.

I arrived safe and well and with my bags in Beijing and made it to my hotel without problems. We had a group meeting at 6pm, so met the others in my group. Seems like a good crowd. We have…

2 more sleeps…

On August 25th I dropped Stephen off at the airport and he started his current adventure. As you can learn from his posts and the cybercasts, all is going well and according to plan. In 2 days time it’s my…