Category Molly Roadtrips

These are some of the longer and more adventurous journeys that we have made in Molly. We also take Molly on shorter trips, and these are categorized in a different section of our blog. Goto HOME > SHORT TRIPS > MOLLY to see them.

Overland Expo 2024

We returned to Flagstaff to attend Overland Expo West. A great chance to meet other like-minded people, attend education sessions and see cool new things. Tim, Em and Bec were also there. We even got to see catch-up with friends…

Back to Colorado

It was time to head back to see Alison and Gary and get our damaged windscreen repaired. We also continued to debug the 12 volt power supply for the Starlink, and almost established that it was an issue with the…

Butler Wash

Gary and Monica were headed to Butler Wash, which was only a couple of hours away. After picking up supplies in Moab, we headed in their direction. Em and Bec were with them. We ended up staying two nights in…