Canyon Time on the San Juan River

We spent three nights with Gary and Monica enjoying the Canyons around Moki Dugway. The first night we were at Muley Point, high up on the cliff edge with an expansive vista. Definitively one of the more impressive camping spots we’ve had. The following day we headed out to the real Muley Point with even more impressive views. We could also see John Canyon Road, a road we plan to go drive soon. Then it was time to descend the infamous Moki Dugway. Which was not that bad at all. This allowed us to drive through the Valley of the Gods, and the great views continued.

On the second and third nights we camped at the Honaker Trailhead. Stephen had plans to get up early and head down to the San Juan River, just to check it out. The 7am departure was smart, as the sun rises in the sky quickly here. We chilled most of the day, just chatting with Gary and Monica. They are so cool, and hopefully we get to travel with them again soon.

Squeezebox and the road in.
Views from our camping spot.
Sunset views over the San Juan
Our Camping spot for the first night.
Checking out the views at Muley Point proper.
Down the Moki Dugway. It was not too bad after all the hype.
Valley of the Gods.
More Godly driving.
Thanks Gary and Monica for this photo.
Camping spot for second and third nights.
This is definitively the way to travel.
Stephen hiked down to the San Juan river, and of course went for a swim.
The trail back up. Wise decision to leave early in the morning and avoid the heat.